Are You Insecure About Your Stomach? A Tummy Tuck Can Help
Posted August 28, 2024 in Tummy Tuck

Tummy tucks are among the most common body-modifying procedures due to the dramatic changes they can make to one’s appearance. They can remove unwanted fat and skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and reshape the belly button. This blog discusses how to address stomach insecurities with tummy tuck surgery, what the procedure entails, and the benefits.
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Addressing Stomach Insecurities
It’s not uncommon to desire a smooth, flat stomach with defined abdominal contours. Yet, for many, this remains a challenge as stubborn fat often lingers in the stomach area. If you find yourself among those who feel insecure about their stomach’s appearance, whether it’s due to excess fat, sagging skin from weight loss, stretch marks from pregnancy, or an unappealing belly button, you’re not alone. Tummy tuck surgery offers a solution to these insecurities, helping individuals regain confidence in their bodies.
What Is a Tummy Tuck?
A tummy tuck surgery involves removing excess skin and fat from the stomach area, tightening the abdominal muscles, and reconstructing the belly button. This procedure provides extensive correction and dramatic results in the abdominal area.
Many people choose to get a tummy tuck after undergoing significant weight loss or giving birth, as both of these things strongly affect the stomach’s appearance. It can be tough to lose weight but not enjoy your results due to droopy excess skin hiding your waistline. Similarly, many women struggle to get their pre-pregnancy stomachs back after childbirth because of the remaining excess stomach skin and weakened abdominal muscles. When there is sagging skin or stretch marks from weight loss or after pregnancy, no amount of diet, exercise, or other intervention other than surgery will produce the desired result.
Additionally, other people may elect to get a tummy tuck because they can’t lose stubborn fat in their stomach, no matter how much they exercise.
High Definition Tummy Tuck
A regular tummy tuck removes the fat and skin from your lower abdomen but leaves the same amount of fat underneath the skin of the upper abdomen, and merely stretches this fat to the lower abdomen. Whereas in a high definition tummy tuck, we go in and thin out the fat above the belly button/upper abdomen, and when this thinner tissue is stretched over the lower abdomen, much better abdominal definition is obtained.
There are two layers of fat in your abdomen between the skin and the muscles—the deep fat (subscarpal fat) and the superficial fat (subcutaneous fat). In a High Definition Tummy Tuck, we are removing that layer of deep fat. The superficial layer is kept intact because it is crucial to your skin’s circulation and overall health and smoothness. The removal of the deep fat in the abdomen allows for much better definition and nicer contours.

What Does a Tummy Tuck Procedure Entail?
Tummy tuck patients don’t have to worry about discomfort during the procedure, as IV sedation or general anesthesia is administered before surgery. Dr. Prichard will create incisions around the stomach, depending on which type of tummy tuck you have chosen to receive (standard, mini, or extended). If you have weak or separated abdominal muscles, they will be tightened to remove the appearance of a stomach pooch. Liposuction may be used as a part of your tummy tuck to further contour the sides and lower back for an overall balanced look. Excess abdominal skin will be trimmed, and the rest of the skin will be pulled down and tightened to smooth out the stomach.
Each tummy tuck procedure is unique as it is customized to fit the individual’s body and goals, so the length of the surgery will vary. Standard tummy tucks are typically performed in around three hours, so you can expect your tummy tuck to take around that long. The abdomen should match the rest of the body in a proportionate manner, to be seen as beautiful and to have an ‘un-operated’ appearance.
What Are the Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?
Tummy tuck surgery gives patients transformative results that can be life-changing. Removing excess skin and fat can greatly improve the appearance of the stomach and make your body contours more visible. Additionally, if you have stretch marks on your excess skin, trimming the excess skin can get rid of them. Tightening the abdominal muscles can correct a protruding belly, which you wouldn’t have been able to achieve without surgery. The belly button will be reconstructed and repositioned to complement your new stomach.
Want to Know More About Tummy Tuck Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ?
If you’re ready to say goodbye to your stomach insecurities, book a consultation with Dr. Prichard to discuss your tummy tuck options. Call us at (480) 470-8011 or fill out our online contact form to learn more about tummy tuck surgery in Scottsdale, AZ.