What is Natural Tissue Breast Reconstruction?
There is no more acceptable tissue for your body than your own. In natural tissue breast reconstruction, (also called “autogenous reconstruction” or “autologous reconstruction” or free flap breast reconstruction) tissue is harvested from a specific area of your own body, whether lower belly, buttocks, thigh, or back, taking skin, fat, and muscle. This harvested tissue is then placed, and shaped to create a new breast.
The procedure involves reattaching arteries and veins in the tissue to the blood vessels beneath your arms, or under the breastbone. The nipple replacement will be performed after healing from the surgery, in a far less extensive – but very important – procedure. If the tissue is harvested from your upper back or tummy area, it does not require being reattached to your blood supply through the arteries and veins under the arms or breastbone, as the veins and arteries remain connected to the tissue which is moved by tunneling under the skin, and then reshaped to appear natural.